About the Event
The increasing ubiquity of digital solutions, in all steps of global value chains, is continuing to reshape how the world carries out business, government and commerce around the world. From fintech to smart identity management to online shopping, the accelerated shift to a fully digital economy is reinventing all aspects of work and life, in real time. Despite the challenges of 2020, the increased acceleration of digitalization is creating extraordinary opportunities to innovate products and services throughout business and government. This virtual briefing will look to the future of growth in the digital industries and what conditions are needed to optimize and leverage these fast-paced transformations for the benefit of all. As non-traditional players such as Qatar, Singapore and Luxembourg gain traction in the global marketplace as new types of digital and financial hubs, new opportunities are arising for US companies. As well as being markets in their own right, these hubs present a gateway into dynamic emerging markets in Asia, the Middle East and Africa which are showing encouraging signs of resilience and growth. How can US companies at the forefront of digitalization best take advantage of these new opportunities when executing global expansion strategies in today’s complex and ever-changing business environment? At the country level, as US tech and digital industry takes new steps in undersaturated markets around the world, what are the conditions needed for success?
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