About the Event
With increased capital and accessibility, a digital prowess, and information at their fingertips, the newest investor class can’t be ignored. Recent studies show they are earning more, saving more, and investing at a rate higher than previous generations and in 10 years’ time, Gen Z for example will become America’s largest with a population of 78 million. Not afraid to take on a little more risk, they largely hold stocks, specifically growth and thematic stocks, with crypto, options, mutual funds and ETFs following suit. With increasing economic power and a pulse on the world’s most innovative companies, we’ll explore how they make their financial decisions and where this new money is flowing. Which technologies from EVs, to AI, and the metaverse look attractive and what’s the growth outlook for these emerging tech sectors? How are socially conscious brands and companies leading on sustainability factoring into investment decisions? At the same time, this investor class may also be feeling the first test of a downturn, with valuations softening and liquidity vanishing, will today's young investors stay long in this market? Either way, most would argue they will continue to be a growing force in finance, and their investing potential coupled with the rate of technological innovation is only set to be exponential. Whether you are them, are investing for them, or alongside them, what rising generations do could have a major impact on society. In The Future Investor series, we’ll explore the mindset of the newest finance class, which growth trends and technologies hold the most promise to investors of all ages, and how all this could collectively shape the future of finance.
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